Monday, February 11, 2008

the Lovely TWO :)

Do You Know:

Joseph Balestier

Balestier Road was named after Joseph Balestier who first developed the area in 1834 when he leased 1, 000 acres of land for a sugarcane plantation and named the area Balestier Plain. He was the first American Consul to Singapore and his wife was Maria Revere Balestier, the daughter of the famous American bell-maker and patriot, Paul Revere, maker of of the famous Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Singapore has the only Revere bell outside the USA. This was a gift from his wife Maria Revere-Balestier, to the St. Andrew's Cathedral in 1843. The bell became part of the National Museum of Singapore's collection.

1 comment:

Admin said...

Hi Huda and xingyu

Good effort taken to put everything on the net.

As someone who has been looking for some interesting local sights to visit, I appreciate the homework you've done.

This will be a valuable resource esp like the photos and interesting encounters available over there.

Your additional info at the end of a section is a neat touch, and informative.

Would you consider putting up some links to references or books that I can read up on this place? Thanks.

Keep up the great work and continue to enjoy yourselves!